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Exercise and Fitness

How to Stay Motivated When Working Out Indoors

Shorter days are no excuse to skip workouts. Here are tips to head inside and get it done.

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Why Work Out with a Friend?

There are lots of things you can do with friends – here’s why working out should be one of them.

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Easy Ways to Fit Exercise into Your Day

These 5 tricks help you prioritize fitness even when you’re busy.

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How to Exercise Outdoors during Allergy Season

You don’t need to let allergies stop you from exercising outdoors this fall. Just follow these tips.

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Why Trail Walking and Running Are Good for You

There are many reasons to get out in nature and exercise. Here they are.

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Need a Reason to Dance? Here Are 4 of Them

Putting on your dancing shoes can boost your health in these ways.

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5 Health Benefits of Yoga

Need a good reason to do a downward dog? Here are 5 of them.

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Should You Drink Chocolate Milk After a Workout?

Here’s why some athletes choose this sweet and refreshing way to refuel.

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Protect Your Heart When You Run Your Next Race

Here's why you should resist the urge to surge as you head towards the finish line.

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4 Fun Fall Fitness Activities

There are so many ways to be active while enjoying the season. Here are a few the whole family can do.

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