Phone: 609-836-6612
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6622
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6622
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6622
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6612
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6622
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Follow Up Patients Only
Phone: 609-836-6616
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6602
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6600
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-293-3565
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6622
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Follow Up Patients Only
Phone: 732-818-9400
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6616
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6614
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6602
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6622
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6614
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6612
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6602
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6622
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6602
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6612
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6622
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Follow Up Patients Only
Phone: 609-836-6600
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6614
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6600
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6622
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6612
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Phone: 609-836-6602
Deborah Specialty Physicians
Follow Up Patients Only
Deborah Specialty Physicians is committed to providing quality patient care, and to always be improving based on the valuable feedback from our patients. We believe it is important for patients to make informed decisions about their health care, and that is why we are posting our providers’ patient satisfaction ratings on our website.
We have partnered with RepuGen, a leading independent patient satisfaction company to collect and calculate this data. They provide a survey to all patients who are seen in Deborah Specialty Physicians outpatient offices within 24 hours following the patient’s visit. Patients who receive follow-up appointments within 60 days with the same provider, will not receive a survey. This will limit the number of text messages to the patient. Patients are asked to complete the survey and provide comments about the care they received, and we use this feedback to improve and enhance our care.
Patients are asked to rate their experience with their provider on a scale from zero to ten, with zero being a poor experience and ten being an excellent experience. The average of these ratings is what determines the provider’s score. In addition, we share all comments the provider receives on their page on our website. The few exceptions are comments which are libelous, profane, or personal information shared that risk the privacy of our patients. To protect this privacy, patient names are not displayed in the online ratings and all personally identifiable information is removed.
Providers are required to have a minimum of 30 completed outpatient satisfaction surveys for a rating to be posted. This helps us ensure accurate and reliable results.
Deborah Specialty Physicians is a private physicians practice. The name “Deborah” is a registered trademark of Deborah Heart and Lung Center and is used under license granted by Deborah. All Rights Reserved. Patient bills will reflect Deborah Specialty Physicians.