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Health and Wellness

Watch Out for These Symptoms in the Heat

Heat and humidity may make you feel sick and can be dangerous, so pay attention to the signs.

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Signs That You Might Need an Interventional Cardiologist

What an interventional cardiologist does and why you may need to see one.

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5 Reasons to Take That Vacation

Here’s why taking a vacation is more important than you think.

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How to Live with Heart Failure

Here are answers to common questions about living with this chronic condition.

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The Top Triggers That Set Off Asthma Attacks

Here are 7 of the most common things that can cause asthma symptoms to flare.

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Could You Have This Common Health Problem and Not Know It?

Heart disease may go undiagnosed until it’s too late. Here’s how to be more aware of your risk.

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31 Surprising Things That Reduce Anxiety Fast

When you need to calm those racing thoughts, these go-to tricks can help.

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Strokes and Mini-Strokes: How They’re the Same and Different

Not sure if your symptoms are due to a stroke or TIA? Here’s how to tell.

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How Do You Know If You’re at Risk for Vascular Diseases?

Vascular diseases are pretty common. Here’s what they are and what increases your risk.

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Always Stressed? You May Have Too Much Cortisol

Too much of this stress hormone can wreak havoc on your health.

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