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Health Articles

Does Drug-Free Pain Management Actually Work?

Ready to ditch pain meds? Here are some other treatment options for managing chronic pain.

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How PCOS Affects Your Overall Health

Having polycystic ovary syndrome may increase your risk of these serious health conditions.

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Should You Drink Chocolate Milk After a Workout?

Here’s why some athletes choose this sweet and refreshing way to refuel.

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Video: How to Lower Cholesterol without Drugs

This video provides tips on managing cholesterol through diet and exercise.

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5 Healthy Breakfasts to Jumpstart Your Day

These warm breakfasts are easy to make and good for you.

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Protect Your Heart When You Run Your Next Race

Here's why you should resist the urge to surge as you head towards the finish line.

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4 Fun Fall Fitness Activities

There are so many ways to be active while enjoying the season. Here are a few the whole family can do.

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How to Avoid a Midday Slump

Here are 6 energizing tips to conquer afternoon carb cravings.

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8 Tips to Prevent Food Poisoning

Take these steps to help avoid getting sick from the food you eat.

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Video: 5 Tips for Healthier To-Go Lunches

Get tips that give your lunch staying power so you don't suffer an afternoon slump.

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