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The remedē® System (for Central Sleep Apnea)

Central sleep apnea (CSA) is a neurological condition that disrupts a person’s sleep because the brain does not send the correct signals to the breathing muscles during sleep. CSA can lead to excessive daytime sleepiness, reduced exercise capacity, a decrease in blood oxygen levels, difficulty concentrating, and irregular or very fast heart rhythm.

For these patient, there is a new treatment option, the remedē® System, which is an implanted device that treats moderate-to-severe CSA.

How does it work?

The remedē® System is a small, pacemaker-like device that is implanted under the skin on the upper chest under light sedation. One wire leads from the device, which sends an electrical impulse to the phrenic nerve in the chest, signaling the large muscle that controls breathing (the diaphragm) to contract.

The device is implanted during a minimally-invasive procedure.

Am I a good candidate for treatment?

  • The remedē® System is indicated for moderate to severe central sleep apnea
  • The device can be used if you have another device such as a pacemaker or defibrillator, however, special testing is needed to ensure the devices are not interacting
  • 18 years or older

The team at Deborah’s Institute of Sleep Medicine can discuss the remedē® System, as well as other treatment options for your central sleep apnea.

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