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Radiofrequency Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation uses an electric current to heat up a small area of nerve tissue to stop it from sending pain signals. It can provide lasting relief for people with chronic pain, especially in the lower back, neck and arthritic joints.

How does it work?

A Deborah Specialty Physician will numb an area of the skin with a local anesthetic. Then, he or she will:

  • Insert a thin needle into the area pain is experienced
  • Insert a microelectrode through the needle
  • Send a small radiofrequency current through the electrode to heat the nerve tissue

Am I a good candidate for treatment?

Radiofrequency ablation may be right for patients who have chronic pain that does not respond to other treatment, such as pain medication and physical therapy.

What can I expect after treatment?

Usually, after the procedure patients can go home the same day. Temporary side effects can include:

  • Weakness or numbness in the legs
  • Swelling and bruising at the incision site