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Venous Ulcer

Venous ulcers are open sores that can occur when the veins in the legs do not push blood back up to the heart as well as they should. Blood backs up in the veins increasing pressure. Common causes of damaged veins include blood clots, injury, aging, and obesity. If not treated, increased pressure and excess fluid in the affected area can cause an open sore to form.

Signs & Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of venous ulcers include:

  • Shallow sore with a red base, sometimes covered by yellow tissue
  • Unevenly shaped borders
  • Surrounding skin may be shiny, tight, warm or hot, and discolored
  • Leg pain
  • If the sore becomes infected, it may have a bad odor and pus may drain from the wound


A Deborah Specialty Physician can diagnose a venous ulcer with a physical exam.